It could be a quick fix remedy for all those homophobic men and women who are by their very nature, art lovers.The first Annual Calcutta Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Film and Video Festival was on for two days covering different genres and aspects of the theme.
In Tuli, a film by Aureaus Solito from Philippines, the first scene greet you with a stark and gruesome trail of ritual circumcisions on a handful of boys.Breakfast on Pluto, made by an American filmmaker Neil Jordan, tells a story of an Irish drag queen Patrick who discovers that he prefers male company. Later christened Kitten, he then moves on to earn a living as a prostitute.Now,this is the stuff that makes the cut above the regular fare, stuff that deals with the struggle of a section of our people who's sexual preferences often make way to our coffee table conversation and unfortunately end right there.
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