Clear View of Open Mind

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The thing is, Gautam, seems to better off making movies with actors who have still not made it. Case at point, Madhavan, who had 3 movies before Minnale with only one hit (Alaipayuthey). Even Surya, who had a dozen movies before Kakha Kakha, had only one decent hit (Friends). The moment he goes to established stars, he seem to become overawed and he starts to go to conservative plots that cater to their ego, leaving his loyal viewers in the lurch.

We admit that our expectations are the result of one movie and so that might sound harsh to him but this is the only explanation that we can come up with. And while we are not sure that he would agree with this explanation in reference to Sarath Kumar, but in Kamal’s case, it was very apparent.

That does not pull him down in our eyes, since it is of course natural to be in trepidation of people that he grew up watching on screen (Kamal that is). Nevertheless we would have thought he would have learnt from his mistake. Then we watched his latest movie, Pachaikili Muthucharam.. We loved the first half and the twists (do we need to pass on some of the credit to James Siegel?), but the second half left us frustrated. After promising the gourmet meal in the first half, he only delivered frozen pizza. Some of the twists were admittedly a surprise but the rest were predictable to any one with decent IQ. And it is perhaps funny that after Kakha Kakha, both his recent movies have been like this.

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So Gautam, whatever will be next offering is going to be, stay away from the stars of Tamil cinema. He is a leader and following someone only seems to curb his enthusiasm. Talk to a young actor who is awe of him and who will follow his lead. Talk to Bharath, talk to Dhanush even (and stay away from Simbu). He could even approach Surya, for we are sure he would be in his debt forever. And if the subject demands it, talk to Vikram. He’s known to give a good thought to his subjects.

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